Worksites required to wash a high volume of heavy-duty equipment or rinsing storage and fertilizer tanks may elect to install concrete containment pads. Solids and effluent are typically washed into a sump, where it is pumped into a filtration unit for solids separation or less favorably discharged into the sewer.
An in-ground concrete containment pad often has advantages over above ground steel wash racks. In many cases, you may already have a useful wash area, but you need to capture the water before it goes off your property and contaminates a sanitary sewer or a drain field.
If you have an existing pad, we can help you improve it or bring it into compliance. If you are planning to build a new wash pad, we can provide CAD drawings showing your architect or builder how to maximize your layout.
Concrete containment pads are designed for heavy or medium mud loads often associated with trenchers, garbage trucks, street sweepers, dump trucks and many other pieces of equipment.